What is Guano Fertilizer ?

Sumber gambar: https://www.nusantarafertilizer.com/post/product/guano-phosphate60662742497463

Guano is a type of fertilizer consisting of bird or bat excrement and other organic matter that has undergone a natural process of decomposition. Guano is a highly effective organic fertilizer due to its high levels of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium - all essential nutrients needed for plant growth (Blackmore S 2019). Not only is guano an excellent source of plant nutrients, it is also renewable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly (Walden Labs 2021).

Guano fertilizers can come from different sources of animal excrement, including seabirds, bats, and seals, and each has its own unique characteristics. Seabird guano usually contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, while bat guano has high levels of nitrogen and potassium (Gardening Know How 2022).

Guano has been used for centuries as a natural fertilizer, and it is still widely used today in organic farming and gardening. Guano can be obtained in different forms like granular, powder, or liquid, and it can be applied to the soil directly or mixed with water and sprayed on the plants (Walden Labs 2021).

Overall, using guano fertilizer provides a natural, highly effective, and sustainable way to promote plant growth while reducing environmental impact (Blackmore S 2019).


  1. Blackmore, S. (2019, August 16). "What is Guano Fertilizer?" Gardening Know How. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/guano-fertilizer-information.htm 

  2. "Guano Fertilizer: Everything You Need to Know". (2021, May 19). Walden Labs. https://waldenlabs.com/guano-fertilizer-everything-you-need-to-know/ 

  3. "What Is Bat Guano Fertilizer?" (2022, January 7). Gardening Know How. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/bat-guano-fertilizer.htm 
